Sunday, October 4, 2009

Is community service important to the local community?

It is necessary for local communities to find ways to improve themselves, whether it is their level of communication or communion, or the lives of others. Often times, this is done through community service, where members get together to accomplish a goal that effects the environment around them in a positive way.

The Pacific McGeorge’s Community got together to bring gifts to children that are parent-less or in poverty for Christmas. They engaged in a selfless goal with the intention of improving the lives of others. Community service does not always have to revolve around the community because any positive act or contribution will always reflect positively back to the community.

The members of The Fund for Children of The Philadelphia Foundation built a playground for Logan Elementary School. Projects like this provide a place for people and members to bring their children to play. By establishing safe and friendly areas, more opportunities are available for members to come together and grow stronger through more face-to-face interaction.

Another way community service can improve local communities is through cleaning up the environment. Activities like this inadvertently improve local communities because it makes the community look more appealing to members and non-members, as well as augment its safety. Trash can be harmful to children and animals, limiting the potential of the area in and around the community.

In this picture, Georgia Tech community members (myself included) are picking up trash around all the residence halls in East Campus. Through a simple act of cleaning the campus, we underwent several improvements that we can use to give back to our community. We got to know each other better, strengthened our unity, and provided something positive for our local community. Even though our project was smaller in comparison to the projects above, we still exemplified the importance of community service to a local community.

Works Cited

2008 Sea Turtle Conservation Program Activity. Digital image. National Park Service: U.S. Department of Interior. Alternative Spring Break program. 4 Oct. 2009.

Cemetery Creek / Salmon Park Habitat Restoration. Digital image. City of Bellingham Washington. 4 Oct. 2009.

Logan Elementary School. Digital image. Keystone Mercy Health Plan. The Fund for Children of the Philadelphia Foundation. 04 Oct. 2009.

Pacific McGeorge in the Community. Digital image. University of the Pacific. Pacific McGeorge’s Community Relations Committee. 4 Oct. 2009.

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